Monday, October 12, 2009

We need the Lord......and each other!

We read in the Gospels that Jesus Himself attended many social events when He walked the earth. He knew we all need the comfort and support of each other. We need to be mindful of the needs of our sisters and brothers in the Lord. The Bible teaches us that often the reason we are called upon to endure suffering is so that we will then be able to help and offer reassurance to someone else facing trouble. Just as we read about the woman at the well in John 4, who had a divine appointment with the King of Kings, we can be used of God to minister to another person. Christ used a "word of knowledge" to touch her heart, and then we read that she went to her city to tell everyone that she had met a man who told her everything she ever did. In the same way, every soul won to the Savior is key to hundreds more. That means you and I are important to the Lord!! Think of it....we are important to the God of all the Ages. That's why Satan works so hard to tear us down. How inspiring that is, and how like Jesus to let us know He loves and works through us. Read John 6:39. Many of the Samaritans believed on Jesus for the word of that woman. In verse 41, many more believed because of His own word.

Your harvest is your eternal reward. One sows, one waters, and another will reap the harvest. It is God who gives the increase. God is very serious about the harvest, and what a priviledge to be a part of His great Plan. Let's not miss out on any part of our destiny. What really matters really? Is it a better job or getting a bigger house? Not when you consider eternity-it's all about pouring our love and energy into doing His will. We are not promised tomorrow. Love somebody and tell them about the Love of Jesus today!!!