Monday, October 12, 2009

The Fig Tree

Maybe you have read the story in Mark 11 about how Jesus cursed the fig tree. I have. Many, many times. However, I have to admit I never understood that story at all. Not even close. It was a mystery. Fortunately, we at WCFC, have an extremely educated and knowledgeable pastor who explained this scripture Sunday night.

In Mark 11:12-14, Jesus came to the fig tree and looked for figs to eat. There were none as it was not the time of year for figs. That's about as far as I ever got on this passage. Verse 14 says that Jesus "answered" the tree. That means He TOLD the fig tree to produce figs-NOW. It did not do so and was cursed so that it was "dried up from the roots", Mark 11:20. When the disciples questioned the Lord about this, Jesus told him to "Have faith in God". Then He went on to talk about how they could move mountains, when Peter had been thinking about that fig tree.

When you begin to think about how God works, you realize that Jesus comes to us and tells us to produce fruit. We can obey or refuse. We have to listen to Him and give that good work for the Lord. How? How do we obey God? Have faith in God, have God's kind of faith, v. 22. It is a process--it takes time. Look at the disciples. They walked and talked with Jesus on a daily basis, yet when the end came, they even denied Christ. Jesus had told them if they would believe and not doubt, they could have what they said. How loving and forgiving Jesus has always been to His children.

In the same way, we must SPEAK to the mountain in our lives-not doubting, having faith. Say it out loud-say it so the demons hear. They are ever-listening to what we speak with the mouth. Proverbs 6:2 says you are snared by the words of your mouth. So, speak out goodness, positive, Godly things into the atmosphere. Speak to your problems and trials. Don't give in to fear. The Lord will take care of you if you obey Him!! If you have a fault against anyone, forgive them, as your Father forgives you. He will help you do this. It may be difficult, but there is nothing too hard when you have the Lord on your side to help you.

Too many times, we are blinded to the evil that Satan does, and blame God for the hurts and trials in our lives. Remember, the Devil comes but to kill, steal and destroy, but God has a perfect plan for us. We are to remain obedient to Him and stay on guard for the wiles of the enemy. You can say it out loud: devil, get out of my way, get your hands off my children, you can't have them, and plead the Blood of Jesus over them. Satan is really so very small up against God Almighty.

Lord, give us Your kind of faith.