Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reading the Scroll

Bro. Smith preached a wonderful sermon on Luke 4:18 &19. You could just read those verses and not notice in the verses just above that Jesus had a Divine Appointment where He went into the synagogue to start reading the Scroll where it had been opened to a certain place in Isaiah (Is. 61:1, 2). In verse 21, Jesus said to them "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears".

We need to realize that the "gospel" means good news-it liberates us. God's way is to love our enemies, take what He has given so freely and give it to others. Learn the economics of God-tithe, believe in what the Word says, read the Bible, and obey the Lord when He speaks to us. Many people who have been forced to withstand severe, fiery trials will tell you, it is ONLY prayer and the close communion with a loving Father that can comfort the heart. Jesus said He is annointed to heal the broken-hearted. When you are down and out, deep in depression, facing oppression, what gets you through that? If you are a child of the Lord, His annointing will lift you up.

We need to praise Him in every situation in life. It's not easy. It is NOT easy. But the Bible tells us Jesus wants to dwell in the praises of His people. Praising the Lord is key. In life we get hurt by people and even in the church. We get our feelings hurt by something or someone and go back out to the world. Satan brings hurting church people into captivity, but Jesus can heal up our hurts-He wants to fix what is broken. We may mask the pain and build walls for
protection, but the One who searches the heart knows and sees it all. We will never hide anything from the Lord. Once you can lay all the shattered dreams and broken lives at the foot of the Cross, Jesus is ready to come in and heal the hurting soul.