Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Update on Sisters of the Heart

The ladies who are involved in Sisters of the Heart sewing group want to take a few minutes to tell you what we've been up to lately and invite you to come and join us. We want new members to get involved. During one of the first meetings, one of the girls said we were just like sisters, sisters of the heart, and the name stuck.

We started last Spring meeting at the home of Dianne Cockrell (myself) in Winfield to just put our heads together and see if we could do something to help not only our church, but other people. The first project we took on was to make some banners for the inside of WCFC. There are ladies who donate fabric and supplies to us, and we even have a page on FaceBook where there are more than 60 members. The interest and moral support helps us stay motivated. If you go to Facebook, just search for us at Sisters of the Heart, and you'll see a heart-shaped wreath--that's our page. Each "sister" has her own skills and talents and everyone can suggest more ways we can make a difference in the lives of others.

We use my sewing room to store our fabric and ongoing items and quilts. We have many pictures online showing the things we've either started, in the process of being finished, (UFO's--unfinished objects), things already made and some that's already been given away. Some of the girls have taken quilts home to finish them, and it is a good feeling to donate things to people who will appreciate them. We have had a box of crocheted caps and little sheets and blankets taken to Birmingham to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at UAB just this summer.

You would be so very welcome to join our group. We usually eat and of course, laugh and talk, and sew. Many times we have Birthday Parties for the one having a birthday, and we love to take plenty of pictures. Our ladies have been anywhere from the ages of 13 to 94, and we love working together. There's always new ideas for projects and new gadgets on the market to talk about. Each item is even labeled "Sisters of the Heart".

We have put up a booth during the Saturdays of AngelFood deliveries, and also for the Chili Cookoff. Several people looked at our work and made some great comments. One of the ideas we have talked about doing is hats and scarves for cancer patients. I have talked to the American Cancer Society in Tuscaloosa and they sent us some material for ideas.

There is a great blog we go to for neat ideas about sewing using ordinary, inexpensive items. It is We had alot of fun with one of her ideas which was to use a mechanic's magnetic tray to hold our pins, and also a pick-up tool with a magnet on the end to grab pins and needles off the floor. That's perfect for those of us who aren't exactly 'teenagers' any more.

Tell your friends about our group and come on and join us! We'll make sure you have a great time!