Friday, July 3, 2009

Thanksgiving in July????

You have heard of Christmas in July, but why not Thanksgiving in July? We all have blessings around us daily and many times we fail to see what is right before our eyes. The goodness of the Lord is everywhere, all the time.

Give thanks for:

Sight~many have never seen the sky.
Family~what can you add to that?
Love~to love and be loved is one of God's greatest gifts~where do you begin?
Friends~to have one or two TRUE friends in a lifetime is a great accomplishment.
Talents~to be used and enjoyed!
Freedom~to come and go as you please.
The Holy Bible~and all it's riches. As Bro. Dewayne tells us, dive in and swim forever~
A vehicle~and to be able to get in and go whenever you wish~believe me, I can tell you how important that is when you no longer have the ability to drive.
Satisfaction of helping others.
Right to pray and speak to the Master. AWESOME!!! Think about it!
Church alter, hymns, a good pastor and brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Not being totally alone in the midst of life's worse storms.
The wonder of COLOR!!
Laughter~look up what the Bible says about laughing.
Music and Singing.
Forgiveness~that amazing ability to give and recieve forgiveness~it is life~changing!
Smell of fresh rain~can't be captured and put into a bottle.
Smiling faces, hugs and sincere "I love you's"~these little things lift spirits and lighten heavy burdens.

Let's remember the One who made "all things new" as we celebrate our Nation's independence. And don't forget to pray for America.