Friday, June 26, 2009

Warnings about the End Times

Many Christian commentators as well as secular writers and newscasters are speaking today of the frightening events taking place not only in the US but the entire planet.

I was sent a post from Jeremy Hitt, Youth Pastor in Lake View, Alabama. His blog is "Attack of the Killer Blog". He recieved a message from the Lord from Isaiah 32: 9-20 on specific prophecy concerning our nation. He said he waited to release the message, waiting for God to confirm that message which He did confirm shortly afterwards. Jeremy writes that every time God has impressed something upon him, that another confirming message follows. The Lord is so faithful. Here is the message given to him June 9, 2009:

Doom to you, oh nation, for your end has come. Weeping and wailing will be your produce, for I move against you to humble you before Myself. You have not returned to Me though I have called you. I've waited patiently for your return that will not come until I strike you down. It is you who have forced My hand against yourselves. Oh, how I would have loved to be your God and for you to be My people, but you wouldn't have it. No, you preferred to chase your own gods, those you created from your own works. You wouldn't listen to Me though I warned you and warned you. You openly mock those I've sent with the message rather choosing to gather unto yourselves false teachers who speak smooth sayings~these I have NOT sent!!!!

They have built for themselves empires on the hopes of the poor and those who are heavy burdened. They have not shown My little ones My love and good news. Now they have called on themselves destruction. I will make an ash heap out of their so-called hallowed halls. Their empires will dirty the feet of My tramplings, as I alone am the champion of the weak whom these false teachers have preyed upon. This will be the lot of all those who seek their way. I will stand over them and mock their efforts with My knee firmly thrust into their throats. The weight of My glory will silence their sinful mouths and the poor will laugh at their folly. I WILL HAVE NO SUPER STARS REPRESENT ME, they only represent themselves. I am now their enemy.

In just a little over a year from now, they'll all be shaken out of their lazy lives. All that I have said I will do. My wrath is kindled against this nation and it will burn in fury. In calamity and chaos I will strike you and the world will see your fall. They will laugh at the embarrassment that you've become, oh, Great Nation. Who is so decadent now? You will fill your glasses with tears and drink their sorrows. I have warned you but you made Me your joke; I am nothing more than a punchline to you as well as My people whom you mock. You think you are so wise with your opinions and acts of fake kindness, but I see your hearts. The good things that you do are for your own benefit. You only care for your appearance, but I am going to mar your appearance. You will be un-recognizable as a man. My fists will break your face and your wealth will disappear in an hour. It is I who has picked this fight with you now and you will be destroyed.

The righteous need not worry. For I am your sustainer. This is not a lesson they need to learn, for the righteous know in whom they have believed. Take courage for I am your champion. I will defend you. My judgment is reserved not for you, oh righteous, but for the wicked. Keep trusting Me, I will not fail you, nor have I ever failed you. My records are sure, look to them for I will sustain the righteous as I always have. I am coming not despair, little ones.

The Lord's message as received from Isaiah 32.

I don't know about you, but I am convinced that this truly is a Word from Almighty God Himself!! All you have to do is open the newspaper or watch the news channels to see where our precious country is headed. Most people are more interested in American Idol or some reality show, "REALITY?" than the condition of their own hearts and souls. How sad to think that the name of Christ is no more than a joke or a curse word. God is merciful and slow to anger but there is a limit to His patience. His Word should be our anchor and the Blood of Jesus our only hope in this wicked world.