Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Look What the Lord Has Done!

Sunday morning announcements began with info about Youth Camp coming up, as well as State Convention. Pastor has posted the paper on the bulletin board in the stairway giving all the dates.

May is the month that our land loan comes due again, and just as it was being discussed that we were almost half way there, a member held up a check, testifying that "The Lord's been good to me this week!" With that offering, we are now halfway to paying off the land in full. Praise the Lord! What a milestone this is.

Bro Smith also said he is believing for a large, HUGE tent for a REVIVAL in August for WCFC when the Beasleys use the church building for their reunion and singing and we have to vacate. What a wonderful vision this is, let's be in prayer for this.

The Special Singing this Sunday morning was by Bro Mike Knight who led us in "I went to the enemy's camp/Look what the Lord has done"! What singing and rejoicing that almost took the top off the roof! This is the kind of singing and shouting we have to look forward to when we see Jesus in Heaven, and it gets our hearts and souls stirred up and ready to serve our Lord. Keep in mind that Bro Mike sells his tapes and CDs for only $10, and would greatly benefit his ministry. It would be a blessing to you to listen to his music. See him to get your CD today, you will enjoy it.

Bro Smith's sermon was from 2 Kings Chapter 5, the story of Naaman~~the great captain, honorable, and a mighty man of valor. He also was a leper. He came to see Elisha on the faith of his maid, but got mad that the prophet would not come out to see him as he thought would be more fitting, but only sent directions on how he would be healed. If it had not been for Naaman's servants' persuasion, perhaps he might have gone back without his healing. Naaman had a problem.

It was a problem that plagues us today.
It is hard to even admit when we have a problem with pride. We should not care what others think. David danced before the Lord, which was not exactly action fitting the King of Israel!!

Thankfully, Naaman knew who he was, but he acted on faith and it was released in him. When Elisha did not even come out to greet him, but sent a servant to give him the word to dip in the Jordan River seven times, Naaman got angry. How many of us have come to church and not recieved what we came for, we leave mad? We have to come before the Lord with a humble and contrite heart. Pride shows an ungrateful heart, and that is not acceptable to the Lord.

God help us all to put away those things like pride when we come before a Holy and perfect God.