Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It seems that for a small church, we have alot of announcements each week-that means there's alot going on, and that is a good sign of life! Youth Pastors Chris and Sarah Bell told us the Youth will be hosting a Sunday Dinner after Thanksgiving! It will be the 28th. Many of the ladies have volunteered to help with the cooking (Chris said if we didn't, we could expect a phone call). That's an incentive to pitch in!

What great news!! Our own Pastor has been asked to preach at the Annual Community-wide Thanksgiving Service at the First Methodist Church in Winfield!! It will be on the 21st of November at 6pm. and we need to have a big turnout to show our support for not only Bro. Dewayne, but also to represent our church.

Another bit of news is that the recent picture of the congregation made in front of the church has made the cover of the COGOP publication, Alabama Update. Hopefully, soon we can get the link on the blog. Bro. Sam Clements, Overseer of North Alabama said that the brochure will be seen all over the world! We need to keep in mind that any attention that comes our way should be only directed toward our Lord and Savior, for it is in His great name that we do what we do.

This is the first Sunday since we lost Brandi Scott. Her precious family is here and we love you, Jerri, Mildred, Todd and Molly.

Bro. John Billy Butler, Area Overseer, challenged his own church and they presented us with another gift of $1,000.00 to be used to pay on the land we have purchased! Praise the Lord for God's people who support and desire to see this church take root and grow!