Monday, February 8, 2010

What's Coming Up @ WCFC

We are looking forward to our Annual Valentine's Day Banquet next Sunday @ 5pm. It will be held in the church fellowship hall and everyone's welcome! The ladies are preparing a dinner of spaghetti, lasagna, salad, bread, drinks, and of course, DESSERTS!!! Sondra Sandlin is in charge of this event and we know it will be a good time for everyone in the church. Thank you, Sondra, and all the other women who do such a great job of organizing these events.

Bro. Smith gave us another wonderful sermon Sunday morning and also the night service. The Love of God-only the Father can restore to His children what the enemy has taken away. It was so good to see Margi and Allen back at church after he had open heart surgery. The Lord truly did a miraculous job of restoration for that precious couple, not only physically, but in their marriage. Margi thanked the church for the love and support during the time in the hospital, but she also testified about how the Lord had restored their lives. They had been separated before, but God had mended not only their hearts but their home and life together. It was so awesome to hear those words, knowing what He does for others, He'll do for you. Praise the Lord! As Bro. Todd says, I was in a mess and the Lord just fixed it. Simple as that.

We need to work on our relationship with Jesus. That gives us a better understanding of others. We as humans want to tear into anyone who mistreats us, but we should look to the Savior who forgives and forgets our sins. 1John 4:8 tells us that real love comes from God, because He is love. God is Light, Truth, Spirit, there is not even a shadow of darkness in the perfect love of God.

1-God loves His Son, Jesus. The world may say there are many ways to find God but we know Jesus is the Way, no man comes to the Father but by me.

2-God loves the believers. We are the apple of His eye, because we love His Son. When the Lord looks at us, He sees us covered by Jesus' blood. That love is bigger than any sin and reaches farther than we can imagine.

3-God loves the world. He loved us when we were unlovable. Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6

We were not saved to sit around and just be blessed all the time, God has a job for each of us, and we are on the battlefield for the Kingdom. We serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!! We have to attack our problems and trials with the very Word of God. He has given us the tools we need and we must use them to His glory.

"Lord, help me to do today what I will wish I had done when I stand in your presence".