Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Note from Margi

Good news from Margi and Alan~they are home, she is back at work and they are planning to be back 'home' in church as soon as they can be. God blesses each one of us with each other! Speaking for myself, every person in WCFC is a special angel sent from Heaven. Aren't you glad to be part of the Body of Christ?

Margi sent in this little story to share with everyone.

They built a new church and people came from far and near to see it. Up on the roof a little nail heard the people praising everything but the nail! Nobody even knew he was there and he became jealous. "If I am insignificant, then nobody will miss me if I quit." So he released his hold and fell into the mud. The next night it rained and soon the roof began to leak. Everything inside was ruined. All because the little nail decided to quit. But what about the nail? It might have been obscure but it was useful. So, the moral of this story is:


You may feel like the nail sometimes, but your absence is felt. When you are not present for worship, in some way, the Body of Christ hurts.

The whole church has been really missing Margi and Alan lately, but we are rejoicing that his surgery turned out so well.