Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Testament Gospel in the Old Testament

If you read Genesis 5, you will perhaps wonder what would make this information, all the geneology so important. Bible scholars have studied the Jewish scriptures and the Hebrew meaning of names. One such man has found a wonderful message hidden away in the Torah. In this chapter, the names' meaning given in the order listed revealed a one-sentence summary of the New Testament Gospel.

ADAM = Man
SETH = appointed
ENOS = mortal (wound, grief, miserable)
CAINAN = sorrow
MAHALALEEL = (but the) Blessed God
JARED = shall come down
ENOCH = teaching (that)
METHUSELAH = his death shall bring
LAMECH = the despairing (world/mankind)
NOAH = comfort or rest

Here it is in one sentence:

Man is appointed mortal sorrow, but the Blessed God shall come down, teaching that His (Jesus's) death shall bring the despairing (world) comfort and rest.

I don't know about you, but this is simply amazing to me and makes me want to learn more about the Bible. To think how God reveals these treasures within His Word, oh, what a Mighty, Awesome God we serve!!!!