Thursday, May 7, 2009

Signs of the Times

On Wednesday nights, we have Bible study and it is very helpful to us all. The topic has been on 'signs following believers'. You have to be a believer to cast out demons. The Bible speaks of types of devils-and signs of demonic possession. Legion. Lunatic. Vexation of spirit. A truly blood-bought, born again Christian, a child of Almighty God, cannot be demon-possessed, but can be opressed. When we pray, we are saturated in the Holy Spirit. He is dwelling within us. The Word tells us that 'they that hunger after righteousness will be filled'. Oh, that we would stay hungry and thirsty for the wondrous things of the Lord!!! That should be the prayer of each of us in the body of Christ.

We want everyone to come and fellowship with us in the mid-week service (which is VERY casual, I don't see how much more casual it could be) Maybe that's why it is such a comfortable time.