Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Revival Continues.....

We have all heard and read the scripture (Mark 8:36, 37 that talks about the foolishness of selling out to this world system and losing your soul. How could you determine the value of that most prized possession? It is one-of-a-kind, precious, immeasurable, rare gem. On the other hand, this world is shallow and temporal-worthless compared to the vastness of eternity. Many have tried to have it all;
Alexander the Great died at 32
Caesar was assassinated
Napoleon died a lonely man
Hitler commited suicide in an underground bunker
Marilyn Monroe overdosed at a young age
Jean Harlow ended her life in an mental hospital
Valentino died from VD
Al Capone of syphilis
Many more are selling out for far less, addictions, fame, wealth, popularity, and even if a person could gain the whole world, he could never be able to keep it! It is fleeting, here today with not even the promise of tomorrow.

1 John 2:15 warns of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. How cold and empty is a life lived only for fleeting pleasures, when at the end is only fear and dread of the unknown. The truth is all of us need the Master's touch in our lives and until that void is filled by the One who loves us more than we are able to comprehend, we will never find joy. Some say there are many ways to Heaven-Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by me".

Reading the Old Testament, we see that animal sacrifice was a bloody, gory, smelly, nasty business. There is a reason for that: sin is filthy and ugly. We need a Savior. Praise the Lord, He sent the best to save us-His Son. Salvation is a free gift, free but certainly not cheap. It cost Jesus our Redeemer His precious royal blood. Come to Him today for that precious gift.