Sunday, March 22, 2009


As you may know Bill and Jim Elliott will be here to minister in music in April, but due to a prior commitment, they will have to postpone their trip until the following week, making it April 26th. You won't want to miss this exciting time in the Lord and PLEASE make your plans to join us on that day!! Mark your calendars!!! Invite friends and loved ones to hear the Good News!!!!!

Bro. Smith told us about something that happened concerning Bro. Butler who will be here May 7-9. He had just described to the church what a great preacher this man is, and Bro. Butler called Bro. Dewayne "out of the blue". Well, some folks would put it that way, but actually, it was by "divine appointment". Our Lord works that way, doesn't He? Bro. Butler is the pastor of the Carbon Hill Church of God of Prophecy and they run over 100 people strong.

For our Teachers of all classes, please get the names and phone numbers to Pastor in order for follow-up. We need the names of absentees as well as prospects. This will be very beneficial in our outreach to the communities.

The blog for our church is an important tool that we can use. If you are a reader, please use the "comment" function, and also, tell anyone else you know who might be interested in knowing what is happening in the life of our church. We welcome any suggestion and thoughts you have. Feel free to share at any time. The website is more than just a "bulletin"; it has links to other sites and in turn, they link back to us. This helps all the 'sister' churches to keep in touch and share in the joys and burdens of our own home church. We need to pray, PRAY this year~it is vitally important as we endeavor to build this church. And building a church does NOT mean with hammer and nails, it is people. Getting local people involved. We are seeing first fruits now after the first year WCFC has been established. Take hold on the things of God, pray, pray, pray and get on board!!! Truly, soon God the Father will say, "Son, go get my children". We must work and be ready when He comes again!!!