Sunday, March 22, 2009

The End of the Age?

We are living in very unique times. Right now, end-time revival is happening as millions around the globe are being saved. In Pakistan, India, and other Muslim countries, Christians are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. We must learn to walk with the Lord, not with the world. Blessings come from God. When this mighty nation was founded, the Puritans came with the Gospel and settled the land, building churches and seeking freedom of religion. Our forefathers sought God and God first!! In modern times, men have their attention on wrong things, temperal things. Jesus chose us to worship Him, to prepare us for eternity! Many are bound by Satan, but we can know the truth and it will set us free. Turn to the truth~Jesus.

Jesus taught us about the signs of His coming, along with warnings to help us in this struggle we all face, day by day. Turn to Matthew 24 to read His words~they are as relevant today as they were 2000+ years ago. There are many tactics the enemy uses to turn us away from the Light.

Matt. 24
1. Spiritual Deception
Many come in His name to deceive all who will be swayed. The most effective method to avoid this trap is to see if it lines up with the Word of God. Celebrities and even ministers stand up to say that there are many roads to Heaven and everybody will be saved anyway in the end, but don't believe that for a split~second. Go back to John 14:6 and read; Jesus declared Himself to be the Way, the Truth and the Life: no man comes to the Father but by the blood of His precious Son! Praise the Lord!!

2. Great Political Unrest
Matt. 24: 6, 7 There will be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet. Ethnic cleansing doesn't sound so horrific until you realize what it truly is. Satan is alive and well and enjoying the chaos all over the world.

3. Great Natural Disasters
v. 7, 8 Think of all that happened following Katrina, or after a war. There is no way to transport food and supplies, people group together out of necessity, often leading to the spread of disease from lack of clean water. The problems mushroom out of control. Did you know that from 1990 to 2000, there were more earthquakes than at any other time combined? Verse 8 tells us that "all these are the beginning of sorrows". We are so close, the time is near and we need to be strong.
That precious lady we all love so, Ms. Rosa, was at church today and I asked her about how we face such scary times? She told me yes, life can be terrifying , but we aren't supposed to live in fear and we simply have to stay close to the Father. She said that when it comes our time, we don't have to fear death because He is our Father and we are precious to Him. He will be there for us. Keep our hand in His, then we can 'stand'. If anybody in the world can testify of His loving care and strength, it would have to be Ms. Rosa. When you meet a saint who has met life head~on and depends totally on God, your spirit bears witness. There is a calm and a peace about her that draws people. It is more than the person, it is the sweet presence of Jesus and His great love. The Bible tells us that when we are led through severe trials, we are to take that test and use it to help and strengthen someone else. Thanks be to God for allowing us to be used in His great plan.

4. Great Religious Persecution
v. 11, 12 Although this has been going on around the world, it is really starting here in America. Need examples?? ACLU, late~term abortion, calling evil good and good evil, love of money, science that states we don't need God anymore, because of iniquity, Jesus said the love of many will wax cold. We see that on every headline, everyday! It may go unnoticed to alot of folks but Montgomery wants to legalize the sale of liquor without people knowing what they have done. Of course, that leads to poverty, while the money finds its way into the pockets of politicians. Disgraceful and shameful in the United States of America. This is NOT why our fathers and grandfathers fought and bled. Verse 13 tells us that he that shall endure unto the end, shall be saved...v 14, this Gospel shall be preached in all the world (and it is going all over the globe right now, thanks to satellite tech) AND THEN SHALL THE END COME. We have no excuse, God sent His witness. We must turn our hearts again to the Lord and stay close to Him. He is the answer, the only answer!!!!