Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday June 1 2008

We thank God for His mercy & His grace. He has been so good to us! I think abut all the blessings he has given. We have our health, children, home & church family. It's like everything the devil has taken away God has given back to us with more!.

Our church is growing spiritually, even though many are new converts. Not that some haven't had their trials here lately. To see a new Christian go through things (life stresses) & then they begin to pray & seek God instead of doing the old habits ( coping mechanisms) , is a wonderful thing to see.
God has everything worked out for our lives & our bodies. He knew we needed a Comforter in this world & He sent the Holy Spirit to help us.

Proverbs 16: 3 Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. KJV

We want everything we do to give God glory & all the choices we make , be unto the Lord.

Proverb 16:1 (TLB) We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God 's hands.

Please continue to pray for us. I have a special unspoken request I need the Church to help pray about.