Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Homecoming at Winfield City Family church was Oct. 7, 2012, What a Awesome service we had! To help us celebrate our 4th anniversary, we had Brother Heath Smith sing two beautiful songs, the message was so heart felt, and we know that the words were speaking to some, we also had Brother Mike Knight sing and Brother Todd Scott and Brother Dewayne Smith, also singing was Sister Banta.. The music and the message that was being sent was so full of the Holy Spirit. We had a Alter call that was so Awesome, we had people re-dedicating their lives, people being saved, and people just feeling the anointing of God ! After that wonderful service of Revial, we had a huge spread of food downstairs, and a great time of Fellowship. We had a good crowd. If you were not there , maybe next time you can come, always Everyone welcome. God Bless.