Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Satan Loves those Strongholds

11Corinthians 10:4, 5
A stronghold is anything or any thought that puffs itself up against the wisdom of God. We must be "mighty through God" in pulling those things down. The devil is always lurking about to find our most vulnerable spots to attack. Doubt is the opposite of faith and that opens the door to the enemy so he can run in. Read Romans 13:12. The Word tells us to cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of Light! We have His help, we are not alone in this struggle. Have you found as I have that it is a hard struggle to do it alone~in fact, it can't be done alone. We need the Saviour's strong hand. The very hand that is nail~scarred for our deliverance. When David was feeling helpless and hopeless, he thought back on the victories that the Lord had already delivered him out of and he strengthened himself in the Lord!! 11 Samuel 22: 2-7. Great passage to mark in your Bible!

We are in a constant, did you get that, a CONSTANT battle, a warfare with spirits that want to drag us down. Our weapons are not carnal~we must cast down imaginations, like arguments, unbelief, disobedience, pride~the power of a seed~thought is amazing. But as in Mark 11:23-26, we know we have that Holy Spirit living in us, but we need to get hold of doubts, and wrong thinking. It will help our spirit mind to be strengthened, and remove the old way ways of thinking, so we can start living in the ways of the Lord. Bro. Smith's spiritual mentor, Bro. Haney used to say to him, "It is a continual process, this warfare: we should eat, live, and love the Word. The Bible is an endless sea of knowledge~jump in and swim forever in it" WOW

It is interesting to find that a stronghold is also a place of protection, a fortress that is there to protect us from our enemies. 1 Samuel 23: 14 tells about David when King Saul was hot on his trail, and David "abode in the wilderness in strongholds...but God delivered him not into his hand." David's stronghold let him see the enemy first and escape.

We are servants of whoever we yield to. Why do we blame God for the evil we see everywhere? Satan uses that mindset to control us and run our lives. Attitude is 98% of the victory~it makes all the difference. Go back to the Word~God is for me and has a perfect plan for me. The key is held in the knowledge of the Word.

Let's get in the Bible and swim forever!!