Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year is coming up!!

What a blessing we enjoy each Sunday hearing Bro. Dewayne preaching the Word and lifting up the name of Jesus. In the world we live in today, we all need the Lord as never before. We need to be reminded of how much He cares for His children. In these trying and uncertain days, God's Word never fails and never changes. Praise the Lord!!! Only in Him can we find true peace and contentment. And that's a promise!!!

One precious saint who attneds whenever she is able is "Miss Rosa". How she is loved by all who know her! This dear lady has endured, with grace, many trials and illnesses, but the sweet spirit of the Lord has made her a joy to be around. I just had to take note of something she said one Wednesday Night. She shared that God has reasons why we suffer and why He allows hardships and sickness to enter our lives. But never, NEVER give up on God and trust Him to use that test so you can be used to help others. We surely do reap what we sow. Someone once said that you will never have a testimony without a test.

Be in prayer for Bro. Todd Scott and Bro. Mike Knight as they go into the prisons to hold services. These two men are mighty warriors for the Kingdom. Pray for the prisoners who hear the Word that they will have an open heart to recieve the Gospel. Bro. Mike is our Music Minister and Bro. Todd is the Adult Sunday School teacher.