Saturday, April 28, 2012

Assembly General Session Schedule

Assembly General Session Schedule

Wednesday Morning:
Anointed to Lead
9:00 AM Anointed to Pray for Vision to Reach the Harvest
Bishop David Browder, General Presbyter Asia and Oceania—Jasper, Georgia
Bishop David Bryan Executive Director of Global Outreach Ministries—Cleveland, Tennessee
9:45 AM Official Opening of the Assembly
Greeting:Bishop Fred S. Fisher General Overseer Emeritus—Clemson, South Carolina
Affirmation of General Presbyter
Introduction of Newly Selected General Presbyter
Vision 2020 Presentation by Administrative Committee
Wednesday Afternoon:
Anointed to Serve
2:00 PM Assembly Business
Finance and Stewardship
Finance Director
Tomlinson Center
Biblical Doctrine and Polity
Wednesday Evening:
Anointed With Vision
6:30 PM Musical Concert: Bahama Brass Band
7:00 PM Opening Celebration
Welcome by Bishop Scott Gillum, Kentucky State Overseer—Elizabethtown, Kentucky
Special Singing: Onas Bailey—Ontario, Canada
Special Singing: LeAnn Hamby—Cleveland, Tennessee
General Overseer’s Annual Address (w/Moment of Honor for our Deceased Ministers)
Thursday Morning:
Anointed With Vision
9:00 AM Anointed To Pray for the Young Harvest
Bishop Trevor and Aileen Reid, International Youth Ministries Co-Directors—Cleveland, Tennessee
Kathy Creasy International Children’s Ministries Director—Cleveland, Tennessee
9:45 AM Anointed for Vision 2020
Thursday Afternoon:
Anointed to Grow
Enjoy Workshops on Vision 2020, Core Values, and Holiness
Thursday Evening:
Anointed To Reach the Young Harvest
6:30 PM Musical Concert
7:00 PM Worship
Declaring the Vision: Young Harvest Ministries
Kathy Creasy: Anointed for the Young Harvest Mandate
International Children’s Ministries Director—Cleveland, Tennessee
Friday Morning:
Anointed Emerging Leaders
9:00 AM Anointed to Pray for Global Harvest Leadership
Bishop Ben Feliz General Presbyter of Central America, Mexico and Spanish-speaking Caribbean—Cleveland, Tennessee
Bishop Gabriel Vidal General Presbyter of South America—Cleveland, Tennessee
9:45 AM Leadership Session: Passing on the Anointing
Bishop Carswell Leonard Successor Pastor—Raleigh, North Carolina
Pastor Mario Vega—El Salvador
Bishop Vitaliy Voznyuk, Ukraine National Overseer—Kiev, Ukraine
Friday Afternoon:
Anointed Mission Involvement
Mission Encounter: Anointed for the Nations
Friday Evening:
Anointed Leadership Development
6:30 PM Musical Concert
7:00 PM Worship
Special Singing by the Assembly Mass Choir Ron Scotton, Director—Riverdale, Georgia
Message by Dr. Hector Ortiz: Anointed to Develop Leaders
Center for Biblical Leadership Director—Cleveland, Tennessee
Saturday Morning:
Anointed In Our Homes
9:00 AM Anointed to Pray Effectually Ellen Kolawole—Lagos, Nigeria
9:45 AM Leadership Session: Anointed and Healing In Our Homes Mark Gungor Pastor, Author—Greenbay, Wisconsin
Saturday Afternoon:
Anointed For the Miraculous
2:00 PM Worship
To Heal Introduction: Bishop Sam Clements General Presbyter of North America—Cleveland, Tennessee
Healing Testimony: Sophia Lewis Smith—Palatka, Florida
Call to Healing Prayer: Bishop Clayton Endecott General Presbyter of Europe, Middle East and CIS—Langen, Germany
Saturday Evening:
Anointed For the World
6:00 PM Musical Concert
6:30 PM Worship
Offering and Special Singing
Message by Bishop David Bryan: Anointed, Called, and Sent
Executive Director of Global Outreach Ministries—Cleveland, Tennessee
Sunday Morning:
Anointed To Go Make Disciples
9:00 AM Bishop's Ordination, Anointed For Service
Closing Challenge, Anointed To Go With Him by Bishop Ben Feliz:
General Presbyter of Central America, Mexico and Spanish-speaking Caribbean—Cleveland, Tennessee

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yes We Can !

Sister Janice McDaniel is collecting $ 1.00 from all that will donate, then she is going to plant our seed into this project. The yes we can project.  In return we are looking for a Blessing from God !! This is money we need to help building our new Church building on Hwy. 129 in Winfield. So if you got a         $ 1.00 to spare, and you know Sister Janice, or Pastor Dewayne Smith or me, Shirley Smith , We will be glad to accept this from you, God in return will Bless you ! Pastor Dewayne Smith 205-269-8010                                                 Shirley Smith  205-412-9959    BY THE WAY YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, we payed off the Church Land . So now we are working on our Building Fund! Praise God!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012



Workshops at Assembly - Connections Exclusive!

Check out this list of workshops that will be presented during the Thursday afternoon workshop sessions of the International Assembly!

Behind the Scenes of Worship Leading: Preparation, Practice, and Presentation

Kris Dockery, COGOP Worship Leaders Network Coordinator, Worship Pastor

Celebrate Recovery - Drawing The Brokenhearted & Those In Bondage

Mike Jennette, Senior Pastor Empowered Ministries COGOP

Finding and Maintaining the Physical and Mental Edge to Lead

Bess Howard

From Evangelism to Leadership Development: Bridging the Discipleship Gap

Darren Schalk, Sunday School Editor

Helping Children Pursue a Sanctified Life

Kathryn H. Creasy, International Director of Children's Ministries

Holiness Pentecostal Tradition

Vinson Synan, Professor of Church History; Dean Emeritus, Regent University

KC2L: Kids Choosing to Lead

Kim Batson, Tennessee State Children's Ministries Director

Operation Omega Next Gen Ministries: The Way Forward Part 1 & 2

Trevor and Aileen Reid, International Youth Ministries Co-Directors

The Powerful Blessings of Tithing and Giving

Jan Couch, Stewardship Ministries Director

Raising L.E.A.D.E.R.S.

Dr. HE Cardin, Tomlinson Center Director

Servant Partners Workshop: Making a Difference in the World

Tim McCaleb, Servant Partners Coordinator

Women's Ministries Leadership Luncheon

Cathy Payne, International Women's Ministries Director

Women's Ministries Leadership Meeting

Cathy Payne, International Women's Ministries Director


Kris Dockery, COGOP Worship Leaders Network Coordinator, Worship Pastor

Assembly Schedule Online Now

The General Session schedule for the 2012 International Assembly is online!

Thursday, April 19, 2012



Sunday, April 8, 2012

Brother Ray Carter joined the Church April 8, 2012.  May God Richly Bless Brother Carter !  We all love him and Sister Lou.

Easter Pictures 2012

The Youth group performed a skit the to Song "If We are the Body" by Casting Crowns, which speaks about reaching out in to the community and reaching people for Christ .  Pictured above /below Youth Pastor Wesly Hallman, Brother David Banta, Summer Phelps, Emily Smith and Zoe Smith.  God has blessed us with talent!

Easter 2012 Egg Hunt

Here is Bradley Faucett who found the "Boy's Silver Prize Egg" after about 45 minutes of earnest HUNTING . Pictured bedlow is Pastor Smith, Bradley and Braxton Faucet with the Prize Basket

Here is Zoe Smith who won the Girls Gold Prize Egg and Prize Basket

We all had a great time hiding and hunting the eggs!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Getting Ready for Easter

Saturday April 7, 2012 Picture below is Brother Ronnie Cockrell and Bro
ther Jimmy Smith working hard to help clean the yard at church , for the Egg Hunt Coming up Sunday April 8 , 2012

Land PAYOFF!!!!

Winfield City Family Church has recently purchased 5 acres of land on Hwy 129 in Winfield Alabama, to build a new church. On Saturday April 7 2012,  God has blessed us to pay off the loan for the land on Hwy 129!!!!Praise God for His blessings!! Pictured above at Winfield State Bank & Trust is Brother Ronnie Cockrell, Harlin Ferrell  (loan officer) , Michelle Byrant ( loan officer) and Pastor Dewayne Smith.  We would like to thank everyone for their prayers and support of this ministry.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Sunday , April 8 th 2012

If you and your family are looking for a church to attend , this Sunday, the Youth will be doing a Easter Drama, then Brother Dewayne will deliver his Easter message, After church we will be having a Easter egg hunt, and a cook-out. Sunday school, is at 10:00 am , Church is at 10:45 am. Please make plans to attend for God's message and christian fellowship. God Bless , Pastor Dewayne Smith 205-269-8010     Winfield City Family Church ., 575 co. hwy. 173, Winfield, Ala. 35594

"Passion of the Christ"

The Youth will be hosting another movie night. This Sat, April 7 th, at 5:45 pm at                             Winfield City Family Church ! Make plans to attend, it is FREE, Pastor Dewayne Smith 205-269-8010


This was shared by Dr. John Wessly. WHAT'S AN INFIDEL ? This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well known leader in prison ministry. The man who walks with God always gets to his destination. If you have a pulse you have a purpose. The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the United States , especially in the minority races! Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who each explained their beliefs. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic had to say. The Muslim gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Muslim and asked: 'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?' There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, 'Non-believers!' I responded, 'So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?' The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.' He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.' I then stated, 'Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine The Pope commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!' The Muslim was speechless! I continued, 'I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question: Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?' You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame. Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the 'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with my way of dealing with the Islamic Imam, and exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs. In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the President! I think everyone in the U.S. should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! This is your chance to make a difference. (FOR CHRIST'S SAKE.SEND THIS ON . . )