Monday, January 28, 2008

Camp Boothe Camping Schedule 2008

Mens Retreat
May 2 - 3
Cost: $50.00
Pre-Reg. $40.00
Age 16 & up
Director:Tony Burns
Phone: (205) 373-3202

Ladies Retreat
May 16 - 17
Cost: $50.00
Pre-Reg. $40.00
Age 16 & up
Director:Donna Howard
Phone (205) 629-6392

Big Shots Camp
May 31
Cost: $25.00
Age 3 - 5
Directors: Neal & Priscilla Pate
Phone (205) 910-9904

Collegiate Camp
June 1 - 7
Cost: $150.00
Pre-Reg. $175.00
Age: 15 - 22
Directors: Scott & Cheryl Williams

Senior Camp
June 8 – 14
Cost: $150.00
Pre-Reg. $175.00
Age: 12 - 14
Directors: Floyd & Maria West
Phone: 256-828-9579

Discovery Camp
June 15 - 21
Cost: $150.00
Pre-Reg. $175.00
Age: 9 - 11
Directors: Terry & Patsy Gann
Phone: 256-412-1360

Pee Wee Camp
June 22 - 25
Cost: $90.00
Pre-Reg. $75.00$
Age: 6 - 8
Directors: Amy Christmas and Chris Tucker
Phone: 256-828-0709 or 256-479-1264

Outreach Camp
June 30 –July 4
Cost: $85.00
Age: 7 - 12
Directors: Matt & Corinne Denard
Phone: 205-680-2979

Seniors Retreat
Oct. 10 - 11
Cost: $40.00
Age: 55 & upDirectors: Emmett & Doris Reese
Phone: 205-956-1190

FYITo receive Pre-registration discount, FULL tuition must be paid and post marked no later than May 27, 2008. Tuition discounts will only apply up until deadline. Please pre-register. Tuition is transferable but non-refundable.We will begin registration on opening day of retreats at 2:00pm. Collegiate, Senior, Discovery, PeeWee and Outreach will register from 2:00 - 5:00pm. Big Shots will begin registration at 9:00am. Gates will not open until appointed time. Due to insurance regulations, registration ends 24 hours after beginning of registration. Due to the age of our Big Shot campers, more supervision is required; therefore each child must be accompanied by an adult.We are grateful to everyone who volunteers his/her time. Thank you for your labor and support.Please Note for Summer Camps only, ALL SNACKS will be included in tuition cost. Everyone will receive the same amount of snacks. Please, do not bring extra snacks. Drink/Vending machines will be available for extra snacks.Pickup time on last day for summer camps (except Big shots) is 8:00 AM; the camp is closed at 10AM. .

Make all checks payable to:Camp BootheMail all applications to:Camp BootheP.O. Box 240Greenpond, AL 35074
Phone: 205-938-2444Fax: 205-938-9197Thank you for your support, prayers, and understanding. Ministries Coordinators: Dan & Vicki Pierce (12/28/07)

Feb 3, 2008 Super Bowl Sunday night

We will be meeting Sunday night downstairs in the fellowship hall during the Super Bowl.

Invite a friend & bring a covered dish!

Yes We're Back!!!!

Praise God for His blessings!!

We have been back in service for the past two weeks and God is doing great things!

This Sunday the 27th of January our attendance was 30!

There are several new families with one that is bringing their family from next door with three young boys. They were excited to be with us, as we were to have them.

Please be in prayer for Mr. John Beasley who is the trustee for the church, his wife past away recently.

Also remember Lindsay Sims' mother in prayer. She has been sick.

Thank you Brother Shane Pate for filling in for Brother Smith January 13. Everyone really enjoyed the singing & preaching.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Thank you!!

We would like to thank Brother Jim Willimans for filling in last Sunday for Pastor Dewayne.

We would also like to thank Brother Todd Scott for being in charge of the service & teaching Sunday School, and Brother Mike Knight for leading worship.

May God richly bless you for your efforts!

Please pray!

Please remember Brother Smith in your prayers. He had surgery this past week.